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Monday, November 24, 2008

jobs for seekers

NEW in jobsnowadays you can find your career :

Commonwealth Workforce Coalition (CWC)
http://cwc.cedac.org CWC's mission is to strengthen the capacity of Massachusetts’ community-based education, training, and employment system to produce better employment and earnings outcomes for low income residents and low wage worker.

www.workforce3one.orgA collaborative effort between the US Department of Labor/Employment and Training Administration (ETA), the Center for Employment Security Education and Research (CESER), which is the 501c3 affiliate of the National Association of State Workforce Agencies (NASWA), and the National Association of Workforce Boards (NAWB). Workforce3 One provide resources and information to the public workforce system, employers, economic development professionals, and education professionals concerning high demand jobs and the labor market.

Massachusetts Extended Care Career Ladders Initiative
www.commcorp.org/eccli/index.htmlThe Massachusetts Extended Care Career Ladders Initiative (ECCLI) is a statewide effort, begun in 2000, that addresses the recruitment and retention of nursing staff by providing them with flexible educational opportunities and incentives. A framework for Nursing Home Quality was also implemented in order to encourage better workplace conditions for CNAs while simultaneously promoting workplace culture change.

The National Clearinghouse on the Direct Care Workforce
www.directcareclearinghouse.orgThe clearinghouse is a national on-line library for people in search of solutions to the direct-care staffing crisis in long-term care. A project of the Paraprofessional Healthcare Institute, the Clearinghouse includes government and research reports, news, issue briefs, fact sheets, and other information on topics such as recruitment, career advancement supervision, workplace culture, and caregiving practices. The Clearinghouse also houses training manuals and how-to guides, a list of direct-care worker associations and listings to other associations, resources, and events.

Better Jobs Better Care
www.BJBC.org Better Jobs Better Care is a four-year $15.5 million research and demonstration program, funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and The Atlantic Philanthropies. The program seeks to achieve changes in long-term care policy and practice that help to reduce high vacancy and turnover rates among direct care staff across the spectrum of long-term care settings and contribute to improved workforce quality.

Health Workforce Solutions LLC
www.healthws.comHealth Workforce Solutions LLC (HWS) is a research-based strategic consulting and management firm focused on workforce issues in health care. Health Workforce Solutions LLC Introduces Comprehensive Workforce Resource Database (http://www.healthws.net/)

The Council for Advancement of Adult Literacy (CAAL)
http://www.caalusa.orgCAAL made public its findings designed to increase the effectiveness of adult English learning programs. In Passing the Torch:Strategies for Innovation in Community College ESL (www.caalusa.org/eslpassingtorch226.pdf), the research team, led by Forrest P. Chisman, vice president of CAAL, and JoAnn Crandall of the University of Maryland-Baltimore County, has identified the strategies needed to improve Adult ESL learning for the future.

Community-Campus Partnerships for Health (CCPH)
http://depts.washington.edu/ccph/index.htmlCommunity-Campus Partnerships for Health (CCPH) is a nonprofit organization that promotes health (broadly defined) through partnerships between communities and higher educational institutions. Founded in 1996, we are a growing network of over 1,800 communities and campuses across North America and increasingly the world that are collaborating to promote health through service-learning, community-based participatory research, broad-based coalitions and other partnership strategies. These partnerships are powerful tools for improving higher education, civic engagement and the overall health of communities.

The Workforce Alliance (TWA)
http://www.workforcealliance.orgThe Workforce Alliance (TWA) is a national coalition of community-based organizations, community colleges, unions, business leaders and local officials advocating for public policies that invest in the skills of America's workers, so they can better support their families and help American businesses better compete in today's economy.

National Center for the Study of Adult Language and Learning (NCSALL)
http://www.ncsall.netThe National Center for the Study of Adult Learning and Literacy (NCSALL) is a federally funded research and development center focused solely on adult learning. NCSALL's efforts are dedicated to improving practice in educational programs that serve adults with limited literacy and English language skills, and those without a high school diploma.

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